Advance Skiing Course, March 2021 - Solang Valley, ABVIMAS, Manali, Himachal Pradesh

Advance Skiing Course, March 2021 - Solang Valley, ABVIMAS, Manali, Himachal Pradesh


Continued with advance skiing course at ABVIMAS in March 2021.

Advance Skiing Course Trip Report

Sadly there was not enough snowfall in that season and no snow left on training slopes.

We had to go to higher slopes by gondola to train.

This made overall experience bad because

  • it as all off-piste, we had to beat it regularly in side step.
  • gradient of slopes was high and not good to train in.
  • trained 10 am to 3-4pm with little breaks, which fatigued the body.
  • there were only 8 students.

Advance Skiing Course ABVIMAS Manali Syllabus

Snowfall on last training day

It did snow on our last training day. However it was only for few hours and very little.

Method of Instruction Skiing Course ABVIMAS Manali

After doing 3 skiing courses from ABVIMAS, there was not even a single day when ski lifts were operational. We had to take off our skis and carry them up the slope on shoulder after skiing down. This is the single most frustating thing when training here.

Not only it tires the body quickly, it also wastes lot of time. Walk up in 20 minutes only to ski down in 2 minutes.

Instructors condone this by saying that increases the stamina/endurance etc but if you are only skiing for 1-2 weeks in a year, it is not going to last long.


Check with institute if there is enough snow and only then book a seat and go.

Training wise still not confident of techniques and skills.

However learned to manage fears of skiing in off-piste and high gradient slopes.